Reaching Out
We were thrilled to be awarded £5,000 from the Scotts of Thrapston Fund (through Northamptonshire Community Foundation) to work on a wellbeing project among young people in the rural and farming communities of Northamptonshire.
We’re working in partnership with the Farming Community Network (FCN) and our aims are to promote positive mental wellbeing, raise awareness of mental health issues, and reduce social isolation.
We want to achieve this by offering team-building activity-based events, awareness training workshops, activities for young rural families, and encouraging more young people to join their local Young Farmers’ Club. Young Farmers offers a great social life as well as the chance to take part in a wide a variety of competitions, learn new skills, have fun and make new friends.
A Club Officer Activity Day was the first of our Reaching Out events – attendees had a fantastic day at Adventure Ways taking part in a number of team-building activities, hearing an informative presentation by Sam Conway of FCN, and taking away information to help them in their Club roles.
Nick Strelczuk, one of our county trainers, and Mark Betson, from FCN, delivered the Rural+ Curve workshop to Oundle Young Farmers’ Club as part of our pledge to raise awareness of mental health issues. Oundle were the first of our clubs to receive this training…